Hello Everyone!
Its been awhile. We have been very busy! A very busy two year old takes up the majority of my time now. She is such a busy little girl but we are all doing well. She is growing with leaps and bounds in some many areas! She is beginning to work on potty training, she can almost sing the whole alphabet song now, she knows many of the colors, does 12 piece interlocking puzzles on her own and can do memory games with up to 9 pairs independently. She is still small for her age but she is very very healthy and very active and busy! She is definitely a talker- she always has something to say!
We continue to enjoy living in Tempe in the home I grew up in. My parents bought the house when I was 2 and a half and in October this year my mum moved out (and in with a friend) and James, Mckayla, our dogs Hailey and Cindal and I moved in. We love it here and the neighborhood is so much nicer and much more child friendly. Its a much friendlier neighborhood and we know a number of our neighbors.
In mid August we took Mckayla's first trip to San Diego , CA. We drove there with my dad and step-mom. We spent three days there. We took Mckayla to see the "Shampu Whale" (known by most others as Shamu!). We spent time on a nice playground at La Jolla Beach and also spent time playing in the sand on the beach and paddling a little in the water. It was a great trip and Layla loved getting to know her Grandpa Dave and Grandma Molly better.
My work is going well. I have transitioned to seeing children in their homes, rather than the clinic. I am working about 4-5 hrs a week ( yes only that amount) as I want to be home with Mckayla most of the time. When I work her Grammy (my mom) comes and watches her. My mum has been taking her to a kids gym called "My Gym" where they have gym classes for little one's and Mckayla LOVES it! They have things like climbing frames, a ball pit to jump into , bars to hang from, slides, poles to slide down, and trampolines to jump on. I have also just started taking her sometimes too.
We are just starting the new school year in the Mom's group (MOPS- Mother of Preschoolers, which is an international Moms group). The children (ranging in age from infants to 5yrs) go to their own little program while the Mom's meet. The mom's hear speakers and do crafts when they meet. We also do things like have Mom's Nights Out, and take the mkids places for playdates. This year will be my first one being a leader of one of the tabes of women, which I think will be fun.
Anyway its story time for Mckayla so I better run!!!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
just dropping by to say hi!
Hey Everyone- Just wanted to stop by to say hi. Its been awhile. But life has been busy chasing around a busy 2 year old! Yes Mckayla is really almost 2 now. Its hard to believe so much time has passed since she arrived. In some ways its feel like it has not been that long but in other ways I cannot imagine life without our sweet little girl. We keep very busy here at home- doing puzzles, building with blocks, coloring, reading, going to the library and doing whatever else fun we can come up with. We have also recently started babysitting Mckayla's best friend once a week, which they both seem to enjoy. The girls are so funny when they are together and its amazing to me how such little girls can have such a close friendship and care so much about each other.
Its getting warmer and warmer here, but what do we expect. Its Phoenix for you! And it will only get hotter, as it always does. Soon we will be going in the pool on likely an almost daily basis- we are excited about this summer and this year we will be in a home with a pool (our old house did not have one). Layla starts swimming lessons next week and I am hoping she will enjoy them as much as she did last year. She will also be starting a few other kids classes through the city, including a toddler /parent exercise one that she will be doing with her Grammy, while Mommy works for a few hours.
We recently took a mini-vacation as a family and rented a cabin up in the mountains in a town called Pine. It was beautiful up there and we had a great three days vacation. It was our first vacation just the three of us as a family. We have been on vacations before, but always with family. We spent the first 2 days on our own just the three of us and then the last day/night James' parents came and joined us- which was great! We enjoyed the wonderful weather and just going on walks and wandering around outside. We even saw deer and javelina (wild pigs) which was exciting. Oh and we had a resident squirrel who enjoyed eating the bird seed out of the bird feeder too.
I continue to work very limited hours. I was hoping to work about 5 hours a week but have not been doing that lately. I just barely start to get settled with new clients and then it seems for one reason or another they have to stop seeing me (two kids have stopped due to changes in parent's work schedules) which is VERY frustrating. But we are working to get me back to 5 kids again. Mckayla spends time with her Grammy Gwen while I work. Lately they have been enjoying weekly trips to the park to feed the ducks!!
James' work continues to be busy. He still drives down to Tucson once a month. He continues to enjoy living so close to work. He usually comes home to have lunch with Mckayla and I since we live so close now, which is nice for all of us.
Anyway no more news really.......just trying to keep up with a wiggly, giggly, busy, talkative, and noisey almost 2 year old girl!!!
Its getting warmer and warmer here, but what do we expect. Its Phoenix for you! And it will only get hotter, as it always does. Soon we will be going in the pool on likely an almost daily basis- we are excited about this summer and this year we will be in a home with a pool (our old house did not have one). Layla starts swimming lessons next week and I am hoping she will enjoy them as much as she did last year. She will also be starting a few other kids classes through the city, including a toddler /parent exercise one that she will be doing with her Grammy, while Mommy works for a few hours.
We recently took a mini-vacation as a family and rented a cabin up in the mountains in a town called Pine. It was beautiful up there and we had a great three days vacation. It was our first vacation just the three of us as a family. We have been on vacations before, but always with family. We spent the first 2 days on our own just the three of us and then the last day/night James' parents came and joined us- which was great! We enjoyed the wonderful weather and just going on walks and wandering around outside. We even saw deer and javelina (wild pigs) which was exciting. Oh and we had a resident squirrel who enjoyed eating the bird seed out of the bird feeder too.
I continue to work very limited hours. I was hoping to work about 5 hours a week but have not been doing that lately. I just barely start to get settled with new clients and then it seems for one reason or another they have to stop seeing me (two kids have stopped due to changes in parent's work schedules) which is VERY frustrating. But we are working to get me back to 5 kids again. Mckayla spends time with her Grammy Gwen while I work. Lately they have been enjoying weekly trips to the park to feed the ducks!!
James' work continues to be busy. He still drives down to Tucson once a month. He continues to enjoy living so close to work. He usually comes home to have lunch with Mckayla and I since we live so close now, which is nice for all of us.
Anyway no more news really.......just trying to keep up with a wiggly, giggly, busy, talkative, and noisey almost 2 year old girl!!!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Life is GREAT!!!
Life here continues to be very busy. I have been keeping busy chasing after an almost 2 year old who is always on the go! Yes Mckayla is almost 2 years old, which is hard to believe. It does not seem that long ago that we were anxiously awaiting our baby girl's arrival! Time sure does fly!!We have been keeping busy and I love only working a little and being wit Layla most of the time. We keep busy! We attend a mom's group at church two Tuesdays a month. I meet with the moms and we listen to speakers and do crafts, while the kids attend a kids program. The Tuesdays we do not have the mom's group we typically go to storytime at the library and then get new library books. Layla loves reading and we read so much that she gets bored unless we get new ones every couple weeks so the library is a good place to do that. I work part of the day Wednesdays and my mum typically watches Mckayla. They both seem to have a lot of fun on their days together!
We have just started watching Mckayla's friend Hailey who just turned 2, while her mom is at work on Mondays. She gets watched by others the rest of the week. She is with us from about 7am til 2pm and we have tons of fun. She just started coming last week but boy did the girls have fun!! They were making me laugh - I could hear them taking in Layla's playhouse. I could hear things like "Bye bye!" and "I'm busy right now!" Just made me giggle!
Mckayla has been really learning to talk so much more these last couple months. She know has over 150 words and can identify 9 colors and 24body parts by name. She is currently working on learning to count. She is always doing omething new. She lovess to do puzzles nd does really well on them. We had to pull out my OT supplies so she culd work on new puzzles- her's had become too easy.
James' work is going well. He keeps busy but we know that means job security which is good. We enjoy that he is able to come home for lunch with Layla and I almost daily. He still drives to the Tucson office about twice a month to do work there.
We have recently removed some bushes from the front yard an replaced them with veggies and herbs- we did green, yellow and red peppers, zucchini, cucumber, green beans and a bunch of herbs. We hope to plant some flowers soon too!
We are also hoping to start swimming soon. James has been in but says its still freezing so we are waiting a bit longer before Layla and I venture in. Layla ill be doing swimming lessons again this year as we feel if we have a pool and since there are so many pools in AZ a child MUST learn to wim to stay safe. she loved it this year and I am hoping she will again this year. She will also be doing a few other classes- art, music and movement and an toddler/parent exercise class with her Grammy.
We continue to attend SunValley Community Church and are looking to join a home fellowship soon. We enjoy their services. The sermons are very applicable to out daily life an their worship is great too. Anyway thats about all our news now. Hope you are all well!!

We have just started watching Mckayla's friend Hailey who just turned 2, while her mom is at work on Mondays. She gets watched by others the rest of the week. She is with us from about 7am til 2pm and we have tons of fun. She just started coming last week but boy did the girls have fun!! They were making me laugh - I could hear them taking in Layla's playhouse. I could hear things like "Bye bye!" and "I'm busy right now!" Just made me giggle!
Mckayla has been really learning to talk so much more these last couple months. She know has over 150 words and can identify 9 colors and 24body parts by name. She is currently working on learning to count. She is always doing omething new. She lovess to do puzzles nd does really well on them. We had to pull out my OT supplies so she culd work on new puzzles- her's had become too easy.
James' work is going well. He keeps busy but we know that means job security which is good. We enjoy that he is able to come home for lunch with Layla and I almost daily. He still drives to the Tucson office about twice a month to do work there.
We have recently removed some bushes from the front yard an replaced them with veggies and herbs- we did green, yellow and red peppers, zucchini, cucumber, green beans and a bunch of herbs. We hope to plant some flowers soon too!
We are also hoping to start swimming soon. James has been in but says its still freezing so we are waiting a bit longer before Layla and I venture in. Layla ill be doing swimming lessons again this year as we feel if we have a pool and since there are so many pools in AZ a child MUST learn to wim to stay safe. she loved it this year and I am hoping she will again this year. She will also be doing a few other classes- art, music and movement and an toddler/parent exercise class with her Grammy.
We continue to attend SunValley Community Church and are looking to join a home fellowship soon. We enjoy their services. The sermons are very applicable to out daily life an their worship is great too. Anyway thats about all our news now. Hope you are all well!!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Busy busy
Everything here continues to go well. Mckayla continues to be a huge joy and blessing in James and my life, not to mention some good entertainment. She is growing into a little girl and no longer a baby really. She is on the go all the time- and sure does wear me out. She is busily learning new words everyday- she will pretty much repeat most words we ask her to if she is in the right mood and feels like it. Many of her words other people may not understand, but being around her for a bit you can figure a lot of them out from the context of when she is saying them. She continues to be small for her age but she is continuing to be super super healthy and very active and happy.
I have returned to work- very part time, only 5hrs a week. But this is a good step to get my foot back into the OT profession, after having not worked since Layla was born. I am working in a pediatric clinic in North Scottsdale while my mother watches Mckayla on her day off each week. I have had one day of work so far and it went pretty well and Layla and Grammy had a lot of fun pending the day together!
I recently had gall-bladder surgery but my recovery has been fine- and have returned to my daily actitivties-not including pilates or yoga though. Will be attempting to go to yoga tomorrow- Its at 5:45 am so its a bit hard being motivated to go, while my hubby and daughter continue to sleep soundly. I attempted it last week but staying in bed was much more inviting!
James continues to be busy with work but is still able to come and eat unch with Layla and I most days. He typically goes down to the Tucson office about 2 times a month to take care of IT stuff there. We are so glad we are so much closer to his work now- it makes the commute much easier!!
Anyway I better go. Have a wonderful God-filled week!!!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Time for a breif update
Hello Again,
Just thought I pos an update on life in the Camping household. Things here are going well. I (Marion) had my gall bladder out 13 days ago and am doing well. It was a one hour laproscopic out-patient surgery and went smoothly. I am finally alost back to normal now- except I am not yet exercising again and think I better just hold off til I go for my post-op appt on Monday to get the all clear from the surgeon, just to be safe. I will soon be starting to work one day a week, or more like a half day. My mum will be watching Mckayla while I work. Getting all the paperwork done and license and registrations and provider info is all taking a lot longer than I had hoped for- but it will happen eventually.
Mckayla is doing well- busy as ever and noisey as ever too! She loves to just run around and always wants to play and dance. She continues to adore our dogs Hailey and Cindal. And she always notices if one of them is not in the room. She will actually now call for one of the dogs - she will yell "Hay eee" . So cute to hear her little voice ring out!! She also loves to be outside- whether its in the stroller on a walk, running around in the front yard or exploring the backyard with Mommy or Daddy and the dogs. she even asks o go outside now. She continues to be a picky eater and not eat much but she is very very healthy- just little.
We have started going on ore walks recently. Mckayla loves them and I am starting to find I really love it too. Our new (old) neighborhood is a great place. The neighboprs actually say hi to each other- as opposed to when I say high and 1/2 the people will ignore you and urn their back toward you and act like they didn't hear you. The people around here are so friendly- the other day we spoke to 6 neighbors on our short walk!! I am starting to re-experience what a neighborhood really is!! I just love it!!! We are so much happier in this neighborhood and so glad we moved!!
Anyway I better go to bed as its getting late. Goodnight friends!!!
Just thought I pos an update on life in the Camping household. Things here are going well. I (Marion) had my gall bladder out 13 days ago and am doing well. It was a one hour laproscopic out-patient surgery and went smoothly. I am finally alost back to normal now- except I am not yet exercising again and think I better just hold off til I go for my post-op appt on Monday to get the all clear from the surgeon, just to be safe. I will soon be starting to work one day a week, or more like a half day. My mum will be watching Mckayla while I work. Getting all the paperwork done and license and registrations and provider info is all taking a lot longer than I had hoped for- but it will happen eventually.
Mckayla is doing well- busy as ever and noisey as ever too! She loves to just run around and always wants to play and dance. She continues to adore our dogs Hailey and Cindal. And she always notices if one of them is not in the room. She will actually now call for one of the dogs - she will yell "Hay eee" . So cute to hear her little voice ring out!! She also loves to be outside- whether its in the stroller on a walk, running around in the front yard or exploring the backyard with Mommy or Daddy and the dogs. she even asks o go outside now. She continues to be a picky eater and not eat much but she is very very healthy- just little.
We have started going on ore walks recently. Mckayla loves them and I am starting to find I really love it too. Our new (old) neighborhood is a great place. The neighboprs actually say hi to each other- as opposed to when I say high and 1/2 the people will ignore you and urn their back toward you and act like they didn't hear you. The people around here are so friendly- the other day we spoke to 6 neighbors on our short walk!! I am starting to re-experience what a neighborhood really is!! I just love it!!! We are so much happier in this neighborhood and so glad we moved!!
Anyway I better go to bed as its getting late. Goodnight friends!!!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Hello again!!
Hello again! I know its been awhile. But things have been so very busy. Mckaya is a very busy little girl, going through that stage where she is trying to challenge Mommy and Daddy a lot right now- but it really isn't that bad though. She has such a sweet personality and is always making us laugh too! She is saying more and more words. Her newest phrase is "Oh no!" and sh even uses it appropriately.
We are continuing to settle into our new (old) house but its taking time as we have not had much time to unpack boxes and as it is there is still a lot of my mum's stuff here that she has not gotten a chance to move out yet. we really like living here and are so glad we made the move. Mckayla has a new found love of playing outside. we never really played outside at our old house (I didn't feel very safe outside in the front yard with her and our backyard was just dirt. Here I feel much safer and we can play both in the backyard and the front yard. She LOVES it!! Our biggest challenge with Mckayla continues to be getting her to eat enough food and more variety. She is very healthy but is still quite small for her age. There is nothing wrong with her physically, but she sure is opinionated about food!
I will be starting work 5hrs a week in a couple weeks. I will be contracting my work to a clinic in North Scottsdale. I will be working on my mum's day off, so she can watch Mckayla. I feel much better about this than sending her to a daycare.
I just had surgery yesterday to have my gall-bladder removed. It was done laproscopically and was an out-patient surgery. I am doing well but just resting at home. I am actually feeling much better than I thought I would. Things are going smoothly.
Anyway thats about all our news right now. I hope everyone is doing well!!!
We are continuing to settle into our new (old) house but its taking time as we have not had much time to unpack boxes and as it is there is still a lot of my mum's stuff here that she has not gotten a chance to move out yet. we really like living here and are so glad we made the move. Mckayla has a new found love of playing outside. we never really played outside at our old house (I didn't feel very safe outside in the front yard with her and our backyard was just dirt. Here I feel much safer and we can play both in the backyard and the front yard. She LOVES it!! Our biggest challenge with Mckayla continues to be getting her to eat enough food and more variety. She is very healthy but is still quite small for her age. There is nothing wrong with her physically, but she sure is opinionated about food!
I will be starting work 5hrs a week in a couple weeks. I will be contracting my work to a clinic in North Scottsdale. I will be working on my mum's day off, so she can watch Mckayla. I feel much better about this than sending her to a daycare.
I just had surgery yesterday to have my gall-bladder removed. It was done laproscopically and was an out-patient surgery. I am doing well but just resting at home. I am actually feeling much better than I thought I would. Things are going smoothly.
Anyway thats about all our news right now. I hope everyone is doing well!!!
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