We have just started watching Mckayla's friend Hailey who just turned 2, while her mom is at work on Mondays. She gets watched by others the rest of the week. She is with us from about 7am til 2pm and we have tons of fun. She just started coming last week but boy did the girls have fun!! They were making me laugh - I could hear them taking in Layla's playhouse. I could hear things like "Bye bye!" and "I'm busy right now!" Just made me giggle!
Mckayla has been really learning to talk so much more these last couple months. She know has over 150 words and can identify 9 colors and 24body parts by name. She is currently working on learning to count. She is always doing omething new. She lovess to do puzzles nd does really well on them. We had to pull out my OT supplies so she culd work on new puzzles- her's had become too easy.
James' work is going well. He keeps busy but we know that means job security which is good. We enjoy that he is able to come home for lunch with Layla and I almost daily. He still drives to the Tucson office about twice a month to do work there.
We have recently removed some bushes from the front yard an replaced them with veggies and herbs- we did green, yellow and red peppers, zucchini, cucumber, green beans and a bunch of herbs. We hope to plant some flowers soon too!
We are also hoping to start swimming soon. James has been in but says its still freezing so we are waiting a bit longer before Layla and I venture in. Layla ill be doing swimming lessons again this year as we feel if we have a pool and since there are so many pools in AZ a child MUST learn to wim to stay safe. she loved it this year and I am hoping she will again this year. She will also be doing a few other classes- art, music and movement and an toddler/parent exercise class with her Grammy.
We continue to attend SunValley Community Church and are looking to join a home fellowship soon. We enjoy their services. The sermons are very applicable to out daily life an their worship is great too. Anyway thats about all our news now. Hope you are all well!!
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