Friday, February 11, 2011

Hello again!!

Hello again! I know its been awhile. But things have been so very busy. Mckaya is a very busy little girl, going through that stage where she is trying to challenge Mommy and Daddy a lot right now- but it really isn't that bad though. She has such a sweet personality and is always making us laugh too! She is saying more and more words. Her newest phrase is "Oh no!" and sh even uses it appropriately.

We are continuing to settle into our new (old) house but its taking time as we have not had much time to unpack boxes and as it is there is still a lot of my mum's stuff here that she has not gotten a chance to move out yet. we really like living here and are so glad we made the move. Mckayla has a new found love of playing outside. we never really played outside at our old house (I didn't feel very safe outside in the front yard with her and our backyard was just dirt. Here I feel much safer and we can play both in the backyard and the front yard. She LOVES it!! Our biggest challenge with Mckayla continues to be getting her to eat enough food and more variety. She is very healthy but is still quite small for her age. There is nothing wrong with her physically, but she sure is opinionated about food!

I will be starting work 5hrs a week in a couple weeks. I will be contracting my work to a clinic in North Scottsdale. I will be working on my mum's day off, so she can watch Mckayla. I feel much better about this than sending her to a daycare.

I just had surgery yesterday to have my gall-bladder removed. It was done laproscopically and was an out-patient surgery. I am doing well but just resting at home. I am actually feeling much better than I thought I would. Things are going smoothly.

Anyway thats about all our news right now. I hope everyone is doing well!!!

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