Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Time for a breif update

Hello Again,
Just thought I pos an update on life in the Camping household. Things here are going well. I (Marion) had my gall bladder out 13 days ago and am doing well. It was a one hour laproscopic out-patient surgery and went smoothly. I am finally alost back to normal now- except I am not yet exercising again and think I better just hold off til I go for my post-op appt on Monday to get the all clear from the surgeon, just to be safe. I will soon be starting to work one day a week, or more like a half day. My mum will be watching Mckayla while I work. Getting all the paperwork done and license and registrations and provider info is all taking a lot longer than I had hoped for- but it will happen eventually.

Mckayla is doing well- busy as ever and noisey as ever too! She loves to just run around and always wants to play and dance. She continues to adore our dogs Hailey and Cindal. And she always notices if one of them is not in the room. She will actually now call for one of the dogs - she will yell "Hay eee" . So cute to hear her little voice ring out!! She also loves to be outside- whether its in the stroller on a walk, running around in the front yard or exploring the backyard with Mommy or Daddy and the dogs. she even asks o go outside now. She continues to be a picky eater and not eat much but she is very very healthy- just little.

We have started going on ore walks recently. Mckayla loves them and I am starting to find I really love it too. Our new (old) neighborhood is a great place. The neighboprs actually say hi to each other- as opposed to when I say high and 1/2 the people will ignore you and urn their back toward you and act like they didn't hear you. The people around here are so friendly- the other day we spoke to 6 neighbors on our short walk!! I am starting to re-experience what a neighborhood really is!! I just love it!!! We are so much happier in this neighborhood and so glad we moved!!

Anyway I better go to bed as its getting late. Goodnight friends!!!

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