Sunday, June 23, 2013

Backyard campout

So  a couple months ago Mckayla saw a show where a child had a camp put in their backyard. So Mckayla decided she and James needed to have one too. So James bought a tent, a fire pit and a few other things and they had a campout in the backyard. Izzy and I were not up for sleeping outside as we did not think it would work out with Izzy so we just spent the evening with them having dinner outside and roasting marshmallows. Then we went inside and let James and Layla sleep in the tent. Mckayla loved it!! Here are some photos from the campout!

                                                            Starting to set the tent up

                                                                      All set up

 Mckayla watching James getting things all set up- "This is going to be fun Daddy!"

                                                              Just sitting by the tent

                                                          Mommy pushing Izzy in the swing

                                                            Getting the fire going

                                                              Looking great!

                                                    Mckayla pushing Izzy in the swing

                                                              Izzy exploring the tent

                                                                  "What Momma?"

                                                     Mommy and her "Big girl"

                                                             Daddy and Mckayla

                                                             Izzy eating dinner on the patio

                                                                Time for smores

                                                                      Having fun!!

                                                             Sittinbg by the campfire

                                                                Snuggling with Izzy

                                                                 Working on smores

                                           Hailey (our dog) had to be right there with us

                                       In her new Hello Kitty sleeping bag that Daddy got for her

                                                                   Snuggled up!

                                                 Daddy and Mckayla all ready to sleep!

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