So apparently its been about 6months since I posted last. As you can imagine a lot happens in that amount of time, especially with young children! Time flies!!!
Well lets start with the most important part of our family news and the part that brings me joy and laughter daily. Our precious little girls!
Mckayla will be turning 4 on Thursday! Hard to believe, but as I said "Time flies!"She is a very happy, very energetic and very bright little girl. She loves going to preschool 2mornings a week where she has learned so much. She is working on writing her names, she can spell her first and last name, recognizes most letters and can count to 50 (with help only for 30 and 40). She goes to a gym class once a week, which my mum takes her to. She recently started attending an class for slightly older kids, where my mum no longer participates with her as she did before. Mckayla loves when Grammy comes and picks her up and takes her to gym. She is also taking a beginning dance class once a week, through the city, which she seems to really like. She looks so cute all dressed in her leotard/skirt, tights and ballet shoes running around with the other little girls. She also has swimming lessons at an indoor swim school once a week. She has a class with 2 other kids and this is her first swim class without Mommy or Daddy in the water too. She is doing great!She just learned to swim like 8feet on her own two weeks ago. My long time friend Caity, who teaches swimming lessons came to our house and gave Mckayla two private swimming lessons in our pool and by the second one she was swimming! Sure we still have work to do, but she can now swim a short distance on her own! Mckayla continues to be a great big sister who likes to watch out for Isabelle and enjoys making her laugh, while at other times she is bossy and has trouble sharing.But overall she just loves her baby sister! Mckayla has grown so grown and changed so much the last year!
Isabelle just turned one in April. Its hard to believe! She is a very busy little one. She learned to walk just before 11 months and has been non-stop ever since. She is quite loud and very adventurous. She enjoys climbing on whatever looks like fun. She has so many words or sounds that she makes that mean certain things to her. At this time she probably has 15+ of these words including- momma, dadda, doggie, banana, more, all done, nigh nigh, amen, down, up, baby, diaper, hi, bye bye, uh-oh, apple among others. She is a great eater and enjoys her food. We still give her some baby foods but are trying out some other foods as well- she LOVES bananas and if she sees one, she wants it! The other day while eating dinner at my mum's, we were having dessert which was bananas ice cream and chocolate syrup. Isabelle saw my mum put a banana on the table and yelled excitedly "Banana!!" Guess who had banana for dessert! Isabelle has been beginning to drink milk from a cup and we are starting to decrease how much I nurse her. She loves carrying around a sippy cup or straw cup and anytime she sees one (even if its her sister's drink)- she wants it. When we hand her a cup- she immediately gives us a huge grin as though she is proud of herself because she is a "big girl" with a cup! Isabelle has always really loved her big sister Mckayla. She wants to be involved in everything Mckayla does and likes to follow her around- which is sometimes not always appreciated by big sister. I am so glad they have the friendship and relationship they do- hopefully they will be close friends forever!
Life has been busy. We still attend our church in Gilbert but may soon try out the Tempe campus of our church as it is closer to home than the Gilbert campus. We continue to be involved in our small group that meets two Saturday nights a month. Right now we are doing a parenting study. All the children (about 11-13kids) go to one house with a babysitter while the adults go to another house to do the study. Isabelle has just started going with the kids to the babysitter, she had been going with us and the adults but she is now at the age where she is too distracting and gets bored. She seems to do okay with the babysitter nd all the kids.
Anyway I will return to continue my post later- as we need to get ready for church!!
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