Wednesday, January 30, 2013

our girls!!

So its been awhile. The girls are growing so fast.  Izzy is now 9months and crawling like crazy, pulling up to stand and even standing for a few seconds on her own. She is also saying "Dadda", "Mamma" and "Ma" which means "more". She is such a curious baby and usually happy unless she is hungry or tired.  She loves to explore everything around here and crawl off to wherever she can get to!

Mckayla is growing and learning so much. She loves being a big sister and really is good to Izzy. She is really loving her preschool this year. She is learning to write her name and also learning to spell her last name, as well as other words. Just last night she spelled Mommy with some foam letters in the bath tub without any help. She loves learning about everything and loves to do art, chapel, and cooking at her school. She enjoys being with friends her own age and continues to enjoy going to gym class with her Grammy on Wednesdays. Speaking of Mckayla-......she needs me, so I better go. I will have to return and post more later. My daughter needs me!

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