Wednesday, January 30, 2013

More of our life!

So I have just written two posts of which both got deleted by this silly blogspot thing so this may be short.

We have just returned home from a nice dinner at my mum and Marshall's place and Mckayla is in bed and James is trying to get Izzy down.

At this point in life our lives pretty much revolve around our precious girls. We are truly blessed and love being their parents. They are such precious little girls. Work for James continues as usual. He still works where he did when we met. My work supervising certified occupational therapy assistants has been frustrating lately and at this point I no longer am supervising as all of them have either left the company or are in a slightly different position. I am hoping to begin treating some kids myself soon, but details are still to be worked out- hoping they will work out.

We continue to enjoy living here in the home I grew up in. Its so close to James' work, my parents and pretty close to our church.   We are soon going to be turning one of our bedrooms (that has been being used for storage by my mum and sister) into a playroom for the girls. I am so excited to finally have a playroom for them and get some of the toys out of the living room where they seems to make things more cluttered looking. 

Anyway I guess for now, thats all. Hopefully I can get back on again soon and post again!

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