Sunday, April 29, 2012

Isabelle Kate Camping is here!!

Isabelle Kate is here!! Isabelle was born on Wednesday April 18th at 8:33am. She weighed 8lb 7oz and was 19.75 inches long. She was supposed to come Thursday April 19th by scheduled c-section but I went into labor a day earlier. So they went ahead and did the c-section then. Everything went smoothly and we headed home from the hospital on Saturday. While we were at the hospital Mckayla was taken care of by her grandparents. My mum stayed with her Wednesday during the day, Wednesday night and Friday and Friday night. James' mom took care of her Thursday and Thursday night.

The night we came home Mckayla got sick with either a stomach bug or she ate something that did not agree with her. After a day she no longer threw up but had remaining tummy issues several times a day for a few days Then about 4-5 days later James and I both came down with an awful tummy bug- stomach issues for about 12 hours and then we were over it. Then my mum and her friend who were both with us when James got sick also got it. We think it could have been something different than what Mckayla had as all four of us adults got the bug very close together in time where as Mckayla was sick like 4 or 5 days before James got it But we are all feeling better now and back to adjusting to life as a family of 4.

Recovery from the c-section is going well. I am no longer taking pain meds and am able to do light household chores like some dishes and helping with laundry as long as I am not required to bend down much or lift anything heavy. Isabelle is doing great. She is a very strong baby, just like Mckayla was. She is a great sleeper and does alright nursing but tends to fall asleep a lot while nursing. She tends to have a bit of a temper for a newborn as she will scream really hard if I do not feed her within minutes of her deciding she is hungry and will flail her arms around.

Mckayla is doing pretty well adjusting to being a big sister. She loves her "baby" and loves to touch , hold and kiss Isabelle. If she does not see Izzy she will look at me and ask "Where is my baby?" She loves to help out in any way she can and likes to watch us take care of her.

James is amazing as always, helping with Isabelle, taking care of Mckayla and doing household things that need to be done. He also helps me with anything else I need help with. He is the most amazing man- just doing whatever is needed of him and really letting me rest and recuperate.

James has one more week off of work before heading back. At that time my mum will take one week off to help me with the girls and household chores. Then it will be just the girls and I during the day.

Anyway thats our update for now.