Friday, October 19, 2012

Life flies by....

Things here continue to just fly by. Things are so busy with two sweet little ones. Cannot believe our "big girl" is now 3 years and 3 months and our littlest girl is 6months old already! I don't have a lot of time to update right now and hope to come back on tomorrow. Mckayla and Izzy have a sweet sister relationship and its been so fun watching that grow and emerge. Mckayla loves to help with Isabelle and loves to play with her and make her laugh. Isabelle adores Mckayla and watches her every move. Often when Mckayla comes up to her Izzy puts on such a smile for Mckayla. Even when no one else could make Izzy laugh (except by tickling) Mckayla could make her really laugh without even touching her! I hope and pray their relationship continues this way and they have a lifetime of great friendship. We love our sweet girls and thank God that He chose us to be their parents! I will post more tomorrow as its getting late and both girls are sleeping, which means I too, should head for bed!!

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