Hi everyone- Yes we are still alive- even though its been forever since my last post here on our blog. Life has been very very very busy.
We are still living in the house I grew up in. We love it here. The neighborhood is great. I feel very afe here. How much of it is that we are actually that much safer here than in our old neighborhood could be partly just that this is the neighborhood I grew up in so I naively just feel safer- but I do think it truly is safer too though. We live in a cul-da-sac and there are families with kids on both sides of us. One family has a 7 year old and an almost two year old- both are girls. The other side has a little boy just abut 2 months older than Mckayla. She loves to go jin them playing if she sees them outside. We have been doing various things to the house- we just got new carpet which we really like. The old carpet had been here since at least 1985 when my parents bought the house, so new carpet was definitely needed.
James still works for Stantec Consulting doing IT work. He has been there since before I met him and continues to be pretty happy there. Its nice to know he has a stable job and doesn't have to worry about job security very much. He generally enjoys his job there and the people he works with.
I am currently not seeing any clients of my own. I had been seeing three but they all are no longer seeing me for various reasons (no longer have services due to aging out of early intervention, decided to go somewhere closer to home etc) but I am still overseeing an OT assistant which is something I can mostly do from home on my computer. I just have to co-sign the assistants notes and edit reports and then once a month I have to watch her treat a client for an hour. Its nice pay for the small amount of effort it involves. This leads into our next bit of news, as this is the reason I have not picked up new clients when these former ones stopped OT with me! It looks to me from our last post that I have not shared this on here yet!
We are excited to share that we are expecting another little girl in mid April. we are very excited. I am 28 weeks along and doing great. Mckayla is excited to become a big sister and she seems to have as much an understanding of what is going on as I think any 2 and a half year old can. She seems excited that she will be able to help us with her baby sister when she arrives.
Mckayla is doing great! She is two and a half now and as busy, noisy and talkative as EVER! She is such a smart little girl and learning her ABCs, counting to 12, knows her colors and many of her shapes and is just thriving in all areas. She is still petite for her age but is very very very healthy and rarely ever gets sick. She always has a lot to say, which I jokingly blame on James, as we all know where she gets those talk-a-lot genes from (me !). We are almost finished potty training her and she has done wonderfully with this. She basically wears a pull-up when she sleeps and sometimes when we go out for a few hours but otherwise its big girl underwear for her!
Anyway I guess thats a brief update from the past like 4months and I will attempt at adding some photos if I can figure out how to do it right this time. Hope you are all well!!
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