Thursday, November 18, 2010

Been Awhile

Its been awhile. Life has been busy but really good. We have now moved to Tempe. We are living in the house I grew up in and very happy here. We like the house a lot and really like the neighborhood. James even comes home for lunch msot days which is nice for all of us. Layla enjoys seeing Daddy but hates it whn he leaves again after only being home for a little. The dogs have adjusted to their new home and are settling in quite well. They now have a nice backyard to run around in- though they seem to spend more time inside than out still.

Layla is growing so much and its so fun to watch her personality develop more and more. She is such a character and has such a sweet personality. We are so blessed to be her parents! She is walking quite well now and is very busy exploring everything. She loves to go outside and that we have a nice and safe front yard and neighborhood to exploreAnd Layla loves to go in the pool.

I have just signed a contract to work 5 hours a week in a therapy clinic in scottsdale and am looking forward to starting soon.....once we get 5 kiddos on my caseload. I am excited to go back to work but to be able to do very part time so I can be home most of the time with Mckayla. My mum will be watching her when I work. I am so glad I do not have to take her to daycare.

Anyway Mckayla has just woken up from her nap and wants some attention so I better go. Will try to post more often- we are just so busy!

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