Thursday, June 25, 2009

Being Induced!

Well we are going in to the hospital tonight for me to be induced. Baby Mckayla will be wth us within a couple days and we can't wait to meet her! Right now I(Marion) am pretty anxious about tonight. We are very ready fior her to come and for me to not be pregnant anymore. I am just getting more and more uncomfortable. And the summer heat does not help one bit! James will be home with Mckayla and I for 2 weeks- which will be so nice. We can settle into our new life with Little Miss Mckayla together. I think she may be more active in the evenings as some people say by now her sleep wake cycle is likely to be similar to what it will be when she is born. She is v ery active after din ner until; about 10 or 11 at night. So we'll see I guess!

The pups are doing well. They are growing so big and getting so much better behaved. We think they will do well with Baby Mckayla but may take a bit of disciplining at first. B ut they are so sweet- I know they will do well.

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