Our time flies when you are having fun! Our days are filled with joy and lots of entertainment from our girls. They are constantly making us giggle and always saying something funny! Izzy recently decided she is a cat. She is constantly seen crawling around on the floor, meowing, and pawing at people. Mckayla at times will join in the game....they will crawl up to our dog, meow, sometimes say "dog" and then let out a kitty squeel and then crawl off to hid.....because as we all know, cats are scraed of dogs!! Sometimes when we ask Isabelle questions she will answer with a "meow" which is left to interpretation. Does a "meow" mean yes or no. It can be different every hour!
We have recently been busy planbning, organizing and finalizing a benefit yard sale for my best friend. We are trying ti do various fundraiser to help raise money that they can put toward Jen's medical bills. She has a number of chronic illness, but they are still working on a more specific diagnosis. This took a lot of time to organize etc but it was lovely weather and nice being outside for 6-10hours doing the yard sale. We had three days of it- two days one weekend and one day another weekend. We have also done a bracelet sale as well. There is also a website where people can donate if they chose to. Here is the website iof anyone wants to help out......http://www.gofundme.com/helpingjen
Our family has just been dealing with another round of illnesses. Isabelle came down with pink eye. When I took her to the dr, we found out she also had a terrible ear infection and bronchitis. Then two days later I also had bronchitis. We are both taking our time to get better. Izzy's pink eye is gone but both of us are still coughing a lot and we don't know how Izzy's ear is doing, as she never cpomplained or acted like it hurt. James also has had a cough- not a real bad one, but he has had it a bit. Mckayla though, seems to have kept it away.
We are looking forward to a weekend away in May with my mum, her boyfriend Marshall and my sister Heather and her husband Brent at a resort in Sedona. It will be a nice quiet weekend getaway and it will be a little cooler up there than in the Phoenix area. Hopefully it will be relaxing.
We are starting to get ready for Little Miss Isabelle's 2nd birhday. This Friday she turns 2. One her birthday this year- its actually Good Friday and we will be going to a easter egg hunt for the mom's group we are a part of. We will also celebrate as a family with cupcakes that evening. Her birthday party will be the following weekend (Easter is that weekend so we will wait a week) with family and a few friends. We are doing a zoo animal themed party for her this year. We may also take a family outing somewhere to celebate her birthday as well.