Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Finally cooling down!!!

Oh the weather is beautiful out lately! Finally cooling off after the constant summer heat. Sure its not cooled off that much but way better than it had been. Its finally in the 80's and tomorrow the high is going to be 73deg F and for here that is really nice. We are finally starting to enjoy spending some time outside again. The girls have been enjoying their playhouse and we have just bought a bike for me and a bike trailer for the girls and cannot wait to start using them soon!

Our family is just about through a 3 week bout of everyone taking turns being sick. First Mckayla got sick (lots of classmates were too and we think she gave it to all of us at home!). She had a cold/fever/cough. Then Izzy got it with a cold, then cough and fever. Then I got it with just a nasty cough which of course went to bronchitis as it does anytime I get respiratory bugs. So I am finishing up my 10 days of antibiotics today and still coughing but definitely doing better. Izzy had it pretty bad too and had to even have a chest x-ray. She was so congested the dr could not be sure she was not missing any pneumonia in there- but thankfully she was right and it was just a virus (but apparently a bad one as it showed on the x-ray and most viruses don't show up like that).

Izzy has been continuing to grow and change all the time. She just loves life and loves to chatter away and loves to run up to people with arms open huge and give the sweetest hugs! She will try to say just about anything you ask her to, even if it does not come out quite right. Mckayla continues to love school, loves gym class and just loves to sing and dance and have loads of fun!I love watching the girls relationshiop continue to change. Izzy really looks up to Mckayla and Mckayla likes to watch out for Izzy and help her, but obviously some disagreements, especially over toys, does occur at times. But overall they are best friends and love to play together.

Hailey (the dog) continues to be a goofy energetic dog as always. She is great with the girls. She does not typically get into too much mischief- but can often be found sleeping with our shoes. She does not chew them, just takes a nap with them. If you are missing a shoe- just check Hailey's bed! She also likes to pull toy bins down for the shelf when we are not home- but again rarely is anything ever destroyed! We really are lucky that she does not destroy things. She loves it when we are outside in the backyard but sometimes she has to be locked in the house as she has these crazy spurts of energy and will charge around the backyard and if you move and get in her way she may run into you and that would not be good. If you stand still when she goes nuts she won't run into you -but if you move she might- and Mckayla has learned to hold still or go in her playhouse when Hailey goes on a running spurt. Izzy, however has not learned that yet, so if Izzy is outside Hailey usually has to be locked in the house. If we lock her inside she can often be heard howling in the house!
     Anyway thats all the news for now. Check out some recent photos below!!

Girls in the new bike trailer

                                                     Fun in their playhouse

                                            Working on feeding herself with a spoon

                                                       Sweet sleeping Isabelle

                                                  More self-feeding fun!!!

She discovered a cup in her picnic basket works well as a hat for her baby doll

                                           Hard at work on writing at school

                                      Happy Mckayla playing on the school playground