Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Crazy Busy Life of the Camping Family

Oh what a busy life! Its been awhile since I posted. I believe I have only posted once since baby Isabelle was born. Things have been very busy but going well. I am constantly realizing how very blessed I am. I have an amazingly, loving, understanding and generous husband who will do anything for his wife and girls. Life can be stressful and challenging at times but with him by my side its immensely better! I just love him and our sweet girls!

Mckayla is 3 now and has just started at new preschool- its a Christian preschool thats been around for years but just recently the church where its located merged with our church- so now its owned by our church. They do all sorts of fun things and have a much stronger academic focus than her other preschool/daycare. At this point she is going two mornings a week from 9-12. We were talking about names one day and she told me "My name is Mckayla. Its M...c....k....a...y....l....a!" I had no idea she could spell her name without having the letters written in front of her. She sure is growing up. She continues to go to her gym class most Wednesdays with her Grammy (my mom) where she does all sorts of things (jumps on the trampoline, swings, climbs, runs around and so much more). She did swimming lessons this summer- a parent assisted class and passed. She will move on to an independent class next time we do swimming lessons (likely next summer). She has just started a sports class in which she will be introduced to a bunch of ball sports. We thought maybe this would be a good way for her to get familiar with some different sports so she can see if there is one she wants to play.

Isabelle is growing like crazy- it does not seem like she will be 5 months in two days. Time sure flies! She is a very happy baby, as long as she is not tired or hungry. If she is tired or hungry she will let you know by her very loud and upset screams/cries. she is also very loud , even when just having fun. She just recently started rolling from her back to her tummy (she has been doing tummy to back for awhile now) and can hold herself in a sitting position if propped up using her arms for support. She has just recently started baby rice cereal and then 7yesterday started eating baby food peas and seems to like them. She absolutely adores her big sister and big sister just LOVES her too. I think they will grow up being good friends , like my sister and I did.

Work- James is still at the same job as he has been since before I met him. He continues to be kept very busy. I am not currently seeing clients of my own in my occupational therapy job, but rather just supervising two OT assistants. Most of this I can do from my computer at home and it only requires me to be working outside the home two hours a month. Its great for me because while the girls are so young I prefer to be home with them.

We still attend the church we have been at since before Mckayla was born. Its a large church and continuing to grow. There are now three campuses around the valley Mckayla enjoys her Sunday school class and comes home telling us the stories she has learned. Isabelle has just begun attending the nursery, as we could not keep our very noisy (but happy) baby from yelling during the service and distracting people. The staff in the nursery say she is does well. We have just started attending a small group this summer which we enjoy. There are 6 couples who attend. Every family drops off their kids at one home and then the adults (and babies- there is Izzy and one other baby just 3 weeks older than her) go to another home where we chat and do a study. The current study is a book called "Crazy Love" which is about God's love for us.

Here at home, we continue to try to get more and more decluttered and more organized- but this can be challenging when trying to take care of two little ones at the same time. So its a slow process and I always feel like I have a never ending to do list. But thats the way a busy life with children is

My goal is to .blog an update at least once a week- sp people can keep caught up with what's happening here. I make no guarantees I will be able to follow through consistently- biut I am going to try.

I will close for today with some photos of our sweet little one's enjoying each other's company!

                                               Mckayla helping Izzy with her musical turtle

                                                 Just having fun together on the floor

                              Mckayla decided she need to lay next to Izzy while she went in her swing!

                                                                      Giving hugs!!

                                                           Playing on the floor together!

                                      Mckayla just adores her baby sister and loves to hold her!

                                                                   Our happy girls!