Hello Again- Its been awhile yet again since I posted last. Life just seems to get busier and busier. We are preparing for our quickly approaching arrival of our second sweet little girl. She will be arriving April 19th via planned c-section. I am now 33 and a half weeks pregnant and doing well. I am cuurently trying to fight off a cold and cough but otherwise am just tired but doing well. Mckayla is also sick with this cough/cold thing.
Life has been busy as we do things to prepare for our littlest one's upcoming arrival. We are working on getting the nursery ready. My mum had been storing things in the room which will be the nursery. She just got all her stuff out. So James and his Dad have been working on pulling down the old wood paneling in there, and wripped out the old carpet and working on painting. Then we will get new carpet put in as well. Then we can start decorating and set up the baby's crib.
Mckayla is doing well, other than being sick right now. She is 2 and a half and flourishing in every way. She is a very busy, very bright, very talkative little girl with a very sweet personality and so much interest in everything in life. She loves to be involved in everything and loves to be busy all the time. She continues to enjoy going to a kids gym class with her Grammy every Wednesday morning and enjoys going to Sunday school at church and the kids class at the mom's group I attend at church twice a month. Mckayla is almost done potty training and now only wears pull-ups when sleeping/napping. She is going to be starting to go to one morning a week of preschool soon. We had planned to start Monday but we will have to postpone her first day if she is still unwell then. Its a preschool nearby and we thought she would enjoy having something special, especially when the baby arrives. But we thought we would start her now, rather than doing it right when the baby is born as we do not want her to feel like she has to go BECAUSE of the baby. Her going will also give me a break to be able to get things done before the baby comes, rest and also recuperate a bit after the baby comes. We think she will LOVE it as she is very very social and has no separation anxiety issues.
When we go to the hospital to have the baby James' parents will come stay with Mckayla for one day/night and then my mum will do the same. We are hoping we will only stay at the hospital for two nights but we will see. After the baby is born James will take 2 weeks off work and then my mum will take two weeks off when James returns to work. So I will have round the clock help with the girls and household things for the first month after the c-section and baby's arrival. I am very anxious about the c-section but cannot wait to meet our littlest family member!!
We recently took a family vacation up to the mountains in Flagstaff and stayed in a cabin for 2 nights, just the three of us. It was very relaxing and it even snowed which was fun to see. Mckayla did not remember seeing snow the last time she had experienced it when she was 6 months old. She enjoyed watching Daddy play in it and watching it fall but did not want to touch it. But we enjoyed our little family vacation- the last before our family of 3 grows to a family of 4!