Things here have been very busy. We went to IL a few weeks ago to see James' brother Jon get married. It was lovely to be there to celebrate their special day with them. They are now going to be living in KA.
Now we are much busier here at home than it has been for quite some time. Can you guess why this might be?? Mckayla is now crawling very very quickly and also puilling herself up on things and walking h\olding onto furniture and tables. This means we are constanly trying to chase after her and keep hjer out of mischief but thats a big task. She likes to pull things off coffee tables etc. She is getting strongert every7day and is already able to just stand herelf up in the middle of the room withpout holding on to anything. But she is niot yet walking unassisted. I am sure that will be soon though.
We are still trying to deal with the hassles of trying to shortsale or fforeclose the house and just haviong issues with oiur primary mortgage company and we justwant to be done with all the drama that always seemjs to be involved. Basically they told us they would approve a shoretsale if we agreed to pasy $10.000 over a course of 8.5 years. My husband and I are not willing to do this so the realtor suggested James writye them a letter andf state that. Howevever we all knew it would make no differen ce but felt it should be done to make it official. Well when they got the letter of refusal they said ok anyway and approved it. Unfortunatey by this timke the buyer had gotten fed up with the mortgage company for taking so long and went off and bought a house over that weekend. SO the house is on the market yet again. Very frustrating and I so just want to move. In fact James does too. It would make life much simpler. We want to be closer to his work (less drive time and less cost for gas to get there), closer to church (which would help me to be able to get more involved with a Bible study and MOPS (a moms group), it would get us closer to my besat friend and her family , and also my parents. All of which I think would make life simpler and easier. It gets very lonely out here away from everyone, particulalrly when James is at wiork all day and Mckayla and I don't get out much as there is nowhere to go near us and no one to hang out with out here-who has any time to do that. SO we cannot wait to move to the east valley and see hjow much that will change things.
I am tired and need to head for bed....another thing that has been hard lately. My brain just never wants to shut down - I have a hard time sleeping and do resort to sleep meds at times. I sometimes wonder if the difficulty sleeping has som,ething to do wioth my fibromyalgia. Who knows?
Anyway I better go. I will try to post some pics tomorrow!!